Mar 21, 2013 Grabbing the leg of a skeletal corpse, Jack sailed towards his ship, the Black Pearl, where he was confronted by Bootstrap Bill Turner, who warned him. . Reduced the penalty for being caught cheating at Poker. Fixed a bug that was preventing some of the higher level ships (Death Omen, Juggernaut, etc.) from being spawned. You can now find these ships spawning around the outer perimeter of the Caribbean. I love those soooooooo much!! I cant wait to see death omen and of course my jugger!
Instapoker (the Return of?)
Ahh, remember the good-ole-days when there were only like three stories at a time coming in on the Google News Alerts for “poker”, and only like three bloggers who had signed up for them? Me neither … it was never quite like that (but close) … and though I make no promises to keep this up on a daily basis, in an effort to inform the poker-news-hungry to the best of my abilities keep my open browser tabs to a minimum and my email backlog < 500, I will try to provide you some basic links to the plausibly worthwhile shizznit shaking down:CardRunners and StoxPoker have joined forces to create a poker-training supersite. []
Original PartyGaming honcho Anurag Dikshit — creator of some of the earliest online poker software — is one of three Indians to make Forbes’ list of 34 web-innovator billionaires … as well he should be. [MSNBC]
More on the Fed’s aggressive pursuit of Bodog — including criminal investigations on the company and Calvin Ayre. []
Barney Frank has re-introduced the Payments System Protection Act, a revised version of HR 5767, which was shot down in his own committee earlier this year. [PokerNewsDaily]
Las Vegas visitation is down — to its lowest point since the start of the Iraq war. [Las Vegas Advisor]
And thus it only makes sense that LV gaming revenue is down — 14 percent this time — for the 7th consecutive month. []
You know those new poker rooms popping up in Arizona? Well the Pascua Yaqui tribe doesn’t like them and is trying to get them shut down. (Funny: the mayor of Phoenix is named Phil Gordon.) [Zonie Report]
Poker parties and poker school are all the rage in Croatia. []
FUN RUMORS: Apparently Johnny Depp is quite the poker player, but he’s having a hard time getting alt/indie band We Were Scientists to pay up the $28k he beat them out of. (But all debts have been settled with Orlando Bloom, whom he supposedly beat out of $800k during the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean.) [Online Casino Advisory]
Pirates Of Caribbean Online Game
And in hardly related non-poker news … Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter‘s pregnancy … do we want to start this century off in a world where teens (sometimes) use birth control and occasionally have an abortion or one where we preach abstinence and then glorify/celebrate the shotgun wedding? The MySpace page of the potential VPson-in-law Levi Johnston: [NYPost via HuffingtonPost via Kevin Allen/Sun Times]
“I’m a fuckin’ redneck” who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.
“But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin’ chillin’ I guess.”
“Ya fuck with me I’ll kick [your] ass,” he added.
He also claims to be “in a relationship,” but states, “I don’t want kids.”
Perhaps we all have something to learn from a billion (Non-American) Indians. Not only did “these people” give us one of the founders of PartyPoker and hundreds if not thousands of terrible customer service reps, but also they made what is arguably the best condom commercial ever:
As the story of the movies segues into Pirates of the Caribbean Online, you’ll be faced with taking responsibility for the choices you make in the game, notes Mike Goslin, vice-president of Disney’s VR Studio. “We establish a storyline where the player is a rogue pursuing fame and freedom, just as Captain Jack Sparrow does in the films,” he explains.
A Buccaneer Here Be! A bit o’ swordplay with a Navy cadet.
In fact, Jack is the first character you meet in the game, after you sift through nearly limitless combinations to create a unique buccaneer. You find yourself in a jail in Bilgewater, but Jack frees you and offers a clue: Find Doggerel Dan and ask him for help. Unfortunately, the town is under attack by Jolly Roger, a new villain whose forces provide one nemesis in the game — Lord Cutler Beckett’s Royal Navy comprises the other group.
“I’ve been having a blast crewing up on ships and causing havoc on the high seas.”
- Mike Goslin, vice-president, Disney’s VR StudioDoggerel Dan gives you the sea chest where you keep your quest journal, weapons, items you collect, and important information about your character. He also tells you to find Captain Bo Beck, who can take you by boat to Port Royal — the mission is interrupted by Jolly Roger. After disposing of Beck and his ship, Roger lets you go, but not without a warning: “Just make sure Jack Sparrow knows I’m looking for him.” Luckily, your character knows how to swim.
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Getting Your Sea Legs
Pirates Of The Caribbean Free Online Game
The other major characters from the movies soon make appearances: Will Turner gives you a sword and teaches you to use it; Tia Dalma proclaims: “There is a touch of destiny in you,” before presenting you with a compass; Elizabeth Swann puts her father’s seal on the Black Pearl’s release orders, putting you one step closer to helping Jack get it back from Beckett’s navy; and Captain Hector Barbossa shows you how to use a pistol.
Barbossa also gives you a coin from that infamous cursed pirate treasure. It not only turns you into a skeleton, but it allows you to fight another pirate who has done the same — as long as both of you stay true to the Pirate Code, of course. You can also challenge other pirates to games of blackjack and poker, winning gold coins that let you buy all sorts of important items, including more powerful weapons, tonics that regenerate lost health points, and better ships.
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Audrey 3? A pirate uses his voodoo doll against a monster.

You receive your first ship, a basic sloop, early in the game. It allows you to travel between islands, which comes in handy when you must locate Jack at Tortuga. He’s happy to receive help freeing the Black Pearl, but he directs you to speak with his first mate, Joshamee Gibbs, who tells you to sink a navy ship and defeat four navy soldiers to prove your worthiness.