Color Runner Runner Texas Holdem

Runner Runner Straight (56 Flop 3TQ 47) 1.5: 1 chance in 68: 1 Over Card and Back Door Flush which becomes flush or that pair: 17: 1 chance in 6: Getting an A on the turn or on the river (A4 Flop Q63 KA) 13: 1 chance in 8: Gutshot and Backdoor Flush improving to one by river (Ac4c Flop 3s5cKs) 21: 1 chance in 4.8.

Title runner texas
(adj) Describes the way a hand won in Texas Hold'em Poker if the turn (fourth) and river (fifth) cards saved it from losing.
That river rat -- all he had were rags til he caught that runner-runner flush on the board.
Oh man, what a chaser. He calls my all-in with a double gut-shot, then gets a runner-runner straight on the river. Unbelievable.

Title Runner Texas

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Trending RN - January 18, 2020

Texas Load Runners

  • 1. Tums
  • 2. courgette
  • 3. kookapoo
  • 4. Transpondster
  • 5. do ya thang
  • 6. DFG
  • 7. funna
  • 8. ginny horn
  • 9. Buttpussy
  • 10. giddyhorn
  • 11. Guinea Horn
  • 12. Green Bay Butter Churner
  • 13. thang
  • 14. Hanzo-main
  • 15. Db
  • 16. Knuckle Dunk
  • 17. Old sport
  • 18. black swan
  • 19. FriYAY
  • 20. Riff Off
  • 21. Rigatoni
  • 22. chonk
  • 23. FGF
  • 24. set trip
  • 25. tendies
  • 26. Corking
  • 27. dp
  • 28. rachet
  • 29. Throw hands
  • 30. Knuckle dunking